Archive for August 2015


Defining religion in the context of Arunachal Pradesh has always been a challenge. The state and its human population were not completely isolated from the mainland Indian culture and society even in the remote past. This book has tried to relate the religious history of Arunachal Pradesh with the existing evidence in the form of ancient Indian epics, texts, contemporary literature and the archaeological investigations conducted over a period of last several decades. A comprehensive analysis of this evidence establishes the presence of Hindu religious elements in ancient Arunachal Pradesh.

Dr. Jagdish Kaur is a medical professional educated at Delhi University and is a postgraduate in public health. She is working with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India at present. She has authored several publications and research papers in the arena of public health.  She has special interest in the history and diverse culture of India, especially the mythology and spiritual heritage of the country. This is her debut book on the cultural aspect of India.
I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world tolerance and universal acceptance. We believe not only in the universal toleration but we accept all religion as true.
Swami Vivekananda

Book:  Arunachal Pradesh – Rediscovering Hinduism in the Himalayas
Author: Dr. Jagdish Kaur
ISBN: 81-85217-32-7
Language: English

Price: INR 995 / USD $ 35 (Shipping/Courier Charges Extra)
For order contact - Utpal Kaul (Please SMS +91-9818447636)
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Posted by Utpal Publications


Discourses on Kashmir till recently were largely confined to developments in Kashmir in Indian side. The book recognizes the imperative to have a fresh look at the issue in its totality by studying the hitherto neglected aspects of Kashmir conflict. It is an attempt to look at the developments in Kashmir across the line of control.
Pakistan’s policy towards Kashmir under its control is characterized by not only ambiguity and contradiction but also subjugation and exploitation. Its claim that it supports Kashmir’s right to self determination is contrasted by the ideology of Kashmir’s accession to Pakistan incorporated in the constitution of Kashmir under its control.
The study is timely and significant as it is one of the first elaborate studies on Kashmir under the control of Pakistan. It bears special significance because any final solution of Kashmir must take into account the realities across the line of control.
This comprehensive work will be of interest to a wide readership including scholars, human rights activists, journalists, policy makers and every one interested in Kashmir.

Debidatta Aurobindo Mahapatra holds doctoral degree from the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.  He was a research fellow at the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University, Moscow. His areas of interest include conflict, peace and Indo Russian relations. He has written a book titled India-Russia Partnership (2006). Dr. Mahapatra has also contributed articles in reputed journals including International Studies, India Quarterly,  Indian Journal of Political Science etc.He has also presented papers at national and international conferences. Currently he is associated with Centre for Central Eurasian Studies, University of Mumbai.
Seema Shekhawat holds doctoral degree in Political Science from the University of Jammu. She was a gold medalist in M.A. Her major areas of interest include human rights, conflict, displacement and gender. She has written a book titled Conflict and displacement in Jammu and Kashmir: The Gender Dimension (2006). Dr. Shekhawat has contributed papers at national and international conferences in France, Philippines, Nepal etc. She has also attended a course on human rights in Strasbourg.

Book:  Kashmir Across LOC
Author:  Debidatta Aurobindo Mahapatra and Seema Shekhawat
ISBN: 81-212-0968-4
Language: English

Price: INR 630 (Shipping/Courier Charges Extra)
For order contact - Utpal Kaul (Please SMS +91-9818447636)

Posted by Utpal Publications


The book examines exactly how far print media through its report coverage helps in resolving the Kashmir conflict. The composite dialogue initiated during the tenure of Vajpayee government has gained momentum in the Manmohan government. The issues discussed are: 1. Kashmir Issue 2. Sir Creek Mission 3. The Siachen Glacier. 4. Wullar Barrage 5. Economic co-operation and friendly ties 6. Drug trafficking 7. Terrorism.

Dr. Deepa Viswam, working as lecturer in Communication and Journalism department for about 12 years at Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal Tamil Nadu. Published papers, Major areas of interest include international relations, conflict resolution and communication, peace research, Media and conflict studies. Presented papers at several international conferences and national seminars

Book:  Role of Media in Kashmir Crisis
Author:  Dr. Deepa Viswam
ISBN: 978-81-7835-862-8
Language: English

Price: INR 880 (Shipping/Courier Charges Extra)
For order contact - Utpal Kaul (Please SMS +91-9818447636)

Posted by Utpal Publications


The book has been titled “Kashmir on the Burning Pyre”. We see political hegemony is fiddling for their political power, with the sole aim to dominate the abandoned child to claim their legal rights. To them both warring fractions want territory. People’s welfare and development is no more their goal. The situation is detoriating day by day. Kashmir is marooned in its own blood. The stench of rotten politics is not wafting down the Kashmir valley only, but its nausea has bracketed in its fold the whole of India. The valley is withering in pain and needs a healing touch in the real sense. The situation in Kashmir is grave and quick fix solution can make it all the worst, endangering world peace. There is more fury but little substance. We are passing through a catastrophic trance unaware of the imminent danger that looms over our heads.
Let us show triumph of sanity negating the mischievous manipulation, articulated by power thirsty mongers. They are not ready to restore old age tranquilty, fraternity and bon-homie of the bygone day of our brotherhood.
I was born in a humble family to spiritually elevated parents who inculcated in me, traits of discipline, sublime, devotion, dedication towards all suffering masses, irrespective of caste, creed and color which my primary objective of life. My conscience would never allow me to betray my well indoctrinated values ingrained in me, by my virtuous God like parents like truthfulness. My life has been a life of struggle, trail and tribulations, full of hardwork and selflessly working for the community in exile ever since exodus from Kashmir.

Book:  Kashmir on the Burning Pyre
Author:  Prof. J.L Sher
Language: English
Price: INR 200/ USD 10 (Shipping/Courier Charges Extra)
For order contact - Utpal Kaul (Please SMS +91-9818447636)

Posted by Utpal Publications


Why millions of Kashmiri Hindus have become refugees in their own homeland after Independence..?
Why Kashmir has become a perpetually bleeding wound in India’s body politic draining large chunks of our meager economic and military resources?
This book is an attempt to find answers to these questions. The matter is arranged in ten sections as follows:
I           Background
II          Current phase of anti-Hindu violence and Hindu exodus
III         History of forcible Islamisation of Kashmir
IV         Sheikh Abdulla’s ambitions and machinations
V          Politics of separatism and subversion
VI & X  Pakistani designs and strategy
VII        Human rights violations of whom?
VIII       The politics of discrimination
IX         Contrasting roles of the Communists and the RSS

Book:  The Roots of Kashmir Problem
Edited by: Devendra Swarup and Sushil Aggarwal 
Language: English

Price: INR 200 (Shipping/Courier Charges Extra)
For order contact - Utpal Kaul (Please SMS +91-9818447636)
Posted by Utpal Publications


This work by Prof. Nirmala Sharma is the first full-length narration of the extraordinary life, immense literary output, manifold philosophical perspective of Kumarajiva and the development of a new translation methodology by him. He is the great transcreator of Buddhist Chinese diction. His oeuvre covers all genres of Buddhist literature. All his words, both extant and lost are detailed. The author discusses at length his crucial texts that became the foundation of sects and philosophical systems in East Asia. Kucha the homeland of Kumarajiva excelled in painting, music and dance. Around a hundred illustrations of murals and scrolls vividly portray this ambience of Kucha.
The author has added a write up of President Daisaku Ikeda, whose devotion to the unparalleled monk-translator adds to the deep understanding of the mind and message of Kumarajiva to humanity. President Ikeda discusses Kumarajiva’s new systematization of terminology to bring greater clarity to Buddhist thought and practice.
The author ends the book with the translation of the original Chinese life of Kumarajiva, translated by Prof. J. Nobel, from the Lives of Eminent Monks written by Hiu-chiao in AD 519. The original text in Chinese has also been reproduced.

Nirmala Sharma is an Art Historian and a Professor of Buddhist studies at the International Academy  of  Indian Culture, New Delhi.  She is working on a project of Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts  on “Iconography of the Mandalas of the Dukhang of Alchi”. With two masters degrees, one in Fine Arts and the other in Ancient Indian History Culture and archaeology, her PhD thesis is on the Ragamala paintings. She has been awarded two gold medals and a silver medal for best papers read at the Gujrat Itihas Parishad.
She has made educative films for Doordarshan on the monuments, step wells, sculptures, textiles and paintings. She held a senior position as a designer of textiles and costumes in industries with specialization on the software for the weaving looms. She has published several articles on Textiles. She is a member of the Indian Art History Congress, Association of British Scholars and the Programme Advisory committee at IGNCA. Her books include Bamiyan Hariti and Kindred Iconics, Ragamala Paintings, Buddhist Paintings of Tunhuang in the National Museum, New Delhi.

Book:  Kumarajiva
Author:  Nirmala Sharma
ISBN: 978-81-89738-19-8
Language: English

Price: ......... (Shipping/Courier Charges Extra)
For order contact - Utpal Kaul (Please SMS +91-9818447636)

Posted by Utpal Publications



Prof. Somnath Wakhlu has basically been a teacher of English literature but while working in the Amar Mahal Museum and Library, Jammu for the last two and half decades his mind got yoked to many devotions of Jammu and Kashmir art and architecture, history and culture, mysticism and literature. And  he passes from one devotion to the other with athletic ease.
The present book is divided into two parts: one is concerned with Jammu and the other with Kashmir. Then each part is subdivided into various sections: first, art and architecture: second, history and third, literature.
By a slightest reflection on this work one can feel that he possesses a firm sense of composition, a sweep and compact and delightful verve and eloquence.
Prof. Somnath Wakhlu born at Srinagar in Kashmir, spent his life both in Jammu and Kashmir and thus he got steeped both in Dogri and Kashmiri cultures. He was selected as Lecturer in English by the State Public Service Commission. Later he was promoted as Professor of English.

Prof. Wakhlu is an orator and acknowledged as an eminent writer. He is a distinguished artist, historian and critic and has published more than two hundred and fifty articles on various subjects in various papers and journals and has been giving radio ’talks’ from the Jammu and Srinagar radio stations. He has contributed six articles to the Encyclopedia of Indian Literature, published by the Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi. He has also written a few scripts for the Doordarshan. he has several books to his credit.

Book:  The Rich Heritage of Jammu and Kashmir
Author:  Prof. Somnath Wakhlu
ISBN: 81-212-0570-0
Language: English

Price: Rs 500 (Shipping/Courier Charges Extra)
For order contact - Utpal Kaul (Please SMS +91-9818447636)

Posted by Utpal Publications


Jayaprakash Narayan commented through his speeches, statement and writings on Jammu and Kashmir state –more than any other Indian leader. As conscience keeper of India with an independent mind and moral courage, he expressed his views on the developments in the state from pre-independence days to the latest days of his life. He was admired as well as condemned by the people and leaders of the country but never ignored. He was the profoundest influence on the Kashmiri mind, after Gandhi and Nehru and played a major role in reconciliation of Sheikh Abdullah and the people of Kashmir, after decades of estrangement, with the rest of India.

The book is a collection of whatever he said or wrote on the crucial state, from all possible sources – archives, newspapers, personal records. It throws light on how national interest and moral principles can be reconciled and how his personality affected the national policies and events in the state.
Balraj Puri started his public career in 1942 as editor of a weekly and an activist. Though he has been writing in national dailies and academic journals on wide range of subjects, his main field of study and activity has been Jammu & Kashmir state.  He has been a bridge between regional and ethnic communities of this extremely diverse state and between its popular leadership even when it was alienated and the national leaders including Nehru and Jayaprakash Narayan. He has been associated with almost each move that JP made on Kashmir, with his assistance, advice or critical comments.
Author and co-author of 35 books which include: Kashmir Towards Insurgency, 1995, 5000 years of Kashmir, 1997. Jammu and Kashmir: Triumph and Tragedy of Indian Federalisatio,  1991, Jammu – A Clue of Kashmir Tangle, 1966, Abdullah Era (1983).

Book:  J.P ON Jammu & Kashmir  
Author:  Balraj Puri
ISBN: 81-212-0859-9
Language: English

Price: INR 690 (Shipping/Courier Charges Extra)
For order contact - Utpal Kaul (Please SMS +91-9818447636)

Posted by Utpal Publications


Kashmir Crisis: Unholy Anglo-Pak Nexus, painstakingly researched and documented, provides an exhaustive study of the history of the crisis from 1947 to 1971. The initial chapters speak of the splendor of Hindu Kashmir, its brilliant contribution to the cultural integration of India since time immemorial; and the forcible conversation of the Hindu population to Islam starting from the beginning of the fourteenth to the mid nineteenth century by which time nine-tenths of the Hindu had become Muslims making Kashmir a Muslim majority state.
The book then proceeds to present a connected and cogent account of the ghastly events that rocked Kashmir for about a quarter of a century following her accession to India in October 1947. Britain throughout played a partisan role not only when India took the matter to the UN but also in the wars of 1947 and 1965.

Dr. Saroja Sundararajan was Principal of colleges in Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry for more than 26 years. She was Principal, Pachaiyappa’s College for Women, Kanchipuram, Smt. DKNB Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai, Avvaiyar Government College for women , Karaikkal (Pondicherry State), Bharatidasan Government College for Women, Pondicherry and Director, Kanchi Mamunivar Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Pondicherry.

She had also served on the academic bodies of the Universities of Madras and Pondicherry.  The laurels won by Dr. Saroja include the 1965 Population Essay Contest Award sponsored by a New Jersey Foundation, US, and the Seva Ratna Award in 1996 instituted by the Centenarian trust in memory of Kanchi Paramacharys, in recognition of her services to the cause of Women’s education.

Book:  Kashmir Crisis – Unholy Anglo – Pak Nexus
Author:  Dr. Saroja Sundararajan
ISBN: 978-81-7835-808-6
Language: English

Price: Rs 850 (Shipping/Courier Charges Extra)
For order contact - Utpal Kaul (Please SMS +91-9818447636)

Posted by Utpal Publications


Mishandled: Misquoted: Miscarried

Daya Sagar is a social activists and free Lancer Scribe Senior columnist and specialist of J&K affairs working particularly in the cause and human rights of the under privileged.
Daya Sagar engineer by profession with Post Graduate Degree in engineering earned as back as 1971 and professionally have a position in J&K. Have worked in the Private Sector from 1971-1974 with Larsen & Turbo Ltd, an engineering company of international repute. Superannuated from a senior position in Public sector after working for nearly 30 years. Has worked as expert in Project management Unit of J&K Economic Reconstruction Agency (ADB Project)

He belongs to a family that has particularly seen through the times of Sheikh Mohd Abdullah of pre 1953 days through the times of Bakshi Gulam Mohammed, Shams u Din, G.M Sadiq, Sayed Mir Qasim and Sheikh Abdullah of 1975 once again. His first relations and associate families had and have many senior bureaucrats, social activists and political leaders from parties like Jan Sangh, BJP, National Conference, congress – senior Ministers and MLA’s.

Book:  Jammu & Kashmir Affairs
Author: Daya Sagar
Language: English

Price: INR 40 (Shipping/Courier Charges Extra)
For order contact - Utpal Kaul (Please SMS +91-9818447636)

Posted by Utpal Publications


Translated by Arvind Shah
This book is selection of 22 famous poems of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee from his two books ‘Meri Ikyavan Kavitayen’ (My 51 Poems) and ‘Na Dainyam Na Palayanam’ (Neither coward nor an escapist). The poems are rooted in ancestral cultural heritage and address the ever relevant day-to-day facets of life. The poems emanate from Indian ethos and create a relationship to share same throb between the poet and the reader with spontaneity and belonging. The delicacy of translating a master language craftsman’s poetry which is embedded in deep human sentiment that sprouts patriotic fervor has been done with enthusiasm and skill.

Arvind Shah, in section one of the book has selected and translated the poems, He, in writing the translations of the poems has to a great extent met the difficult challenge of keeping alive the sensitivity of the original, theme and form. Section two of the book has poems written by him on the various facets of the personality of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee which portray his biographical sketch with delicate touch.
Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee has been a patriotic social activist since early childhood, when the country was still under British colonial rule. He started writing poetry during school days. Ha has always been a poet at heart keeping social sensitivity. He develops intimate relationship with fellow human beings and the nation with intense feelings which find expression in his poetry. He is a critically acclaimed poet.
Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee has been an influence on the Indian society. He, as an illustrious parliamentarian and an intellectual with deep understanding on national and international affairs has been an active participant in shaping India’s post-Independence-domestic and foreign policies. He commands respect for his liberal worldwide and commitment to democratic ideals. He was Prime Minister of India through three democratic mandates.
Arvind Shah is a poet, translator and a children’s writer. His publications include children’s books, poems and translations. His translations represent the sentiments of the poet.

Book:  Atal Bihari Vajpayee Selected poems
Translated:  Arvind Shah
ISBN: 978-93-5048-432-6
Language: English

Price: INR 200 (Shipping/Courier Charges Extra)
For order contact - Utpal Kaul (Please SMS +91-9818447636)

Posted by Utpal Publications

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